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Setting Goals for the New Year

With 2021 just around the corner, thinking about the goals you would like to achieve is a great way to reflect on the previous year and get motivated for the next year. However, since just 8% of people stick to their New Year’s goals, we’re sharing five tips on how to achieve your New Year’s resolution.  

Choose Your “Why”

According to author Simon Sinek, determining why you’re setting a goal will greatly improve your likelihood of success. When it’s time to put in hard work, clearly understanding why you’re working towards a goal will help you stay motivated, especially when you feel like giving up!

Set the Right Number of Goals

When it comes to setting New Year’s goals and resolutions, people tend to take on too much. Research has shown that the more goals people set, the less likely they are to achieve any of them. Start small and only set 2-3 goals that you can really focus on!

Write Them Down

Writing down your goal is a tangible commitment to focusing on that goal until you achieve it! Post your goal somewhere you can see it daily, so you can channel your efforts into getting it accomplished!

Create an Action Plan

Often, we set goals without a clear plan to get there. Making an action plan for yourself will ensure that you can achieve your goal through smaller, concrete steps without being overwhelmed.

Break down your goal into small steps that you can work toward each day, week and month so you can continue to stay motivated; you’ll make great progress every single day!

Set Up Accountability

Too often, we begin a new year with many goals in mind, only to have fallen off the bandwagon just a few weeks later. It’s difficult to remain motivated, especially as time goes on!

That’s why it’s helpful to have someone who can keep you accountable to your goals and check in on your progress. Whether it’s a family member, friend or mentor, find someone you trust who will help keep you on the right track.