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Happy First Day of Summer!

With the first day of summer upon us, it’s time to take advantage of the warmer weather and sunny skies that come with this new season. This year, the summer solstice falls on Sunday, June 20th in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is the longest day of the year in regard to the hours of sunlight per day. Although the of hours of sunlight per day increase, the number of hours in the day remains the same. When the seasons change, what do you look forward to most? Do you have any summer travels planned?  

Whether school’s just gotten out, or you’re taking time off of work, traveling or planning a vacation during the summer is always a relaxing treat. The summer allows for more opportunity in terms of vacation options, making the month of June the perfect time to travel.  

Although traveling is common during the summer, we can’t always drop everything and plan a vacation. Vacations are oftentimes expensive and finding the perfect vacation spot can be difficult! A few traveling tips are listed below.  

What other summer activities are you and your loved ones planning to enjoy this season? Whether that may be heading to the water park for a day trip, a short vacation to the beach, or even just relaxing in your backyard, be sure to make the most of the warmer months this summer!